The Road Map for the Development of
Improving agricultural produce storage and supply chain...
extensive cold storage network... free flow of produce
without bottlenecks..... proper packaging.....concentration
on value added produce....ensuring proper utilisation of the
irrigation system and supply of expensive water by depending
on dry crops and drip irrigation etc..
Reducing the bottlenecks in transportation of all goods and
services( food grains, minerals, construction materials,
textiles, groceries etc.), by freeing the system from
bureaucratic shackles, and reducing the harassment from
RTO's, police and other Govt. departments.
Thrust on improvisation of road and rail network..
Ensuring better urban infrastructure and promoting efficient
service sector, thus improving the job opportunities for
rural educated youth( in hotels and restaurants, shops,
entertainment, health-care, education, tourism arena's
Reducing the pendency of issues and cases in govt.
departments and courts to allow people to work freely in a
hassle free atmosphere.
Efficient use of agricultural land .
Demarcating divisions and areas for tourism and
recreation.... amusement parks, golf courses, casino's, race
tracks....... promoting educational and medical
tourism....... Creating out-standing infrastructure for
retirement and leisure travel.....improving the
infrastructure for nursing, and geriatric care.......
facilities for conferencing and trade fairs....etc,
Ensuring accountability and consistency in govt., policy and
the guidelines to stick to the avowed agenda without
Long term plans to improve the forest cover and wild
life....removing archaic and redundant law's and regulation
like having a peacock or a deer as a pet being a punishable
offence...on the other hand creating gaming zones and
involving the private sector will ensure the protection
the survival of the forest cover and endangered wild life..
Improved sanitation and usage of waste water(particularly
Urban) for recycling and usage for greenery..
Ensuring efficient local self governance right from
the village level for the distribution and availing of
subsidised goods and services..
Making the right for information department efficient and
Encouraging healthy competition in media and mass
communication areas by providing infrastructure and reducing
the control of a few barons for their self promotion..
Ensuring excellent law and order..
Removing all illegal religious structures and ensuring free
flow of traffic, particularly in Hyderabad..acting early in
the other towns and district head quarters as they are
likely to witness a rapid growth and can be unmanageable if
not acted and planned early
Reduction and rationalisation
of taxes, levies and duties, reducing procedures for
permissions, better interstate cooperation( particularly
with Andhra),
Creating air access to all district headquarters and
sustaining them in the nascent stages, better public
distribution mechanism etc